Monday, May 31, 2010

"I was drugged achtJahre only!"

Dusseldorf - "The first time sober on stage. I did not know that. It was as if I were naked. "
Tote Hosen vocalist Campino and the addiction to drugs. For TV-Talker Reinhold Beckmann of the 46-year-old told an audience of millions, now that he had already confessed in the EXPRESS half years ago:
"I was always determined for eight years angedröhnt when I went to the stage or had recordings. Speed or alcohol plus cocaine, which went off! End of the 80s - the "Band-pharmacy" of the dead trousers must have been quite large.
Campino: "It was sniffed and drank. Who does not mitfeierte was a pussy. "The negative peak: At a concert in Switzerland, the band is so tight that they no longer play their own songs can.
His personal "wake up call was" a circulatory collapse during the tour was. "I had not slept in four days. Then it was blown away. The doctor gave me a very clear message: When you go six weeks of this pace, it was for you and for your voice anyway. "
He and the band drew the consequences. Coke and speed are loud Campino been on the index. The singer in 2008 EXPRESS: "Who now takes that stuff makes an offense to the others!"