Saturday, March 20, 2010

Paris Hilton waves to the judge

New York - anger for party-girl Paris Hilton (28). The millionaire heiress has to claim against each in the amount of 8 million U.S. dollars to defend. That seems to Paris but do not worry too large.
Calmly korrigiertedie blonde first ever her makeup and her hair. On the way to the witness stand Paris Judge Federico Moreno waved to mischievously.
He took it with humor: "I hattenoch never been a witness, who waved at me." During the hearing however, things went less fun. Still, the producers of the film "The Party Animals are throwing back" in front of 2006Paris that they would not - as vertraglichfestgelegt done - enough for the advertising of the film. Therefore, silk strips flopped.
Paris Hilton does, of course, quite different. "If I put my name in connection togetherness project, then I want that there will sogroßartig as possible. It could have been better if allesprofessioneller would have run," says Hilton.