Monday, March 1, 2010

The Fortune's Fortress

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As the proud tear Series threatening to the answer came directly from the south curve.
Even louder than before, the Fortuna and cheers echoed through the arena - immediately after Bielefeld had taken to 2:2. The end of history is known. Dusseldorf struck back, still won with 3:2 and sniffs at the rise sites.
Fortuna fortress remains impregnable, the super-climber is the only team still unbeaten at home.
Entire two draws from Fortuna were here the last four games were won, as all three were relegated Bundesliga cleared. The arena is the key to passage.
What makes the sudden home record? Why Fortuna is even stronger than before a private audience in the Third Division? EXPRESS refers reasons.
Therefore Fortuna is heimstark
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    The core audience has doubled within a few months, the fans hold a Rabatz to the envy of many Fortune organizations. "I have a feeling that it is sensational from home game to home game in the stands," says President Peter Frymuth. "They celebrate a real party and all the fans who were against Bielefeld here will come back. If they all still bring a friend, we were sold out against Oberhausen. "In any case, there will again be a great backdrop.
The staff
    Fortune Executive's great reception, outages can be compensated much better than in the previous season. Even top people like Anderson and Marco Christian Bamba will be replaced, then it's other things moving.
    A backlog was once almost synonymous with defeat. Euphoria and confidence to ensure that the team can now turn games (like against Frankfurt and Cottbus). Even against Torino Fortuna struck, as hardly anyone could expect a victory.