Sunday, February 28, 2010

So dangerous are the two escapees

leather bag with thick yoga mat flap

One smiles, laughs the other. And both are armed.
The fugitive felon Michael Heckhoff (50) and Peter Paul Michalski (have 46) nothing to lose. And are so dangerous.
Both would come with a new arrest, never back out of the jail. The former head of the JVA Werl, Klaus Koepsel: "If Heckhoff feels himself attacked and has a gun, he will probably make use of this weapon."
At the onset, he and Michalski did go out of the weapons locker two sharp weapons. Two HKP7 with eight rounds, as they also used the police.
This is also a warning to the population. The Aachen police chief Klaus Oelze: "Those are two highly dangerous men - violent, violent and armed." This demonstrates the fact that it took a woman hostage. They should have forced the woman to drive her to eat. Were in the car both moved and shaved.
Nobody should try to arrest them on their own. "Please, no heroics," said Oelze visibly disturbed at the press conference on Friday at the Justice Department.
Germany's most dangerous gangsters hostage Heckhoff was before the court in Arnsberg life imprisonment - because of a hostage crisis in 1992 in the JVA Werl. With an accomplice, he had used a dental appointment to a brutal kidnapping. Because of kidnapping and attempted murder of a police officer and two bank robberies he was convicted in the early 90s already to 15 years in prison, followed by preventive detention.
Michalski already served as an adolescent one Jugendstrafe.1988 he received seven years' imprisonment for aggravated robbery in 1993 shot Michalski Hafturlaub one accomplice - for murder and received a life sentence in prison. The Bielefeld District Court found in March 1995 that the severity of the fault.
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Felon still on the run
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