Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Who needs these lights at night?

mela luka green power juicer

Dusseldorf - Deep night in Dusseldorf, hardly see a car. And yet traffic lights switch to "red" stop the few drivers who are on the go, for no apparent reason.
That there is another way, shows the neighboring city of Duisburg, which is "ampelfrei for two months at night."
On 1 August had allocated Duisburg switch: 420 lights were turned off at night. For pedestrian traffic lights "night" of 20 clock until 6, for traffic lights at intersections of 23 until 5 clock.
On the one hand the city wants to save money, 68,000 euros per year, predicts the accountants at City Hall. On the other OB Adolf Sauerland also sees a positive aspect for the environment: "Cars are no longer several minutes with the engine running at red lights, even though no cross traffic coming."
For Andrea Blome, head of the Düsseldorf Office of Traffic Management, is nonsense: "Studies have shown that the economic loss is higher due to increased accidents than the saved energy costs. Of our 600 traffic lights in the city are switched off 90 from 23.45 until 4.45 clock. We have found the optimal solution. "
Optimal? Many traffic lights throughout the night forcing motorists by red light in empty streets to a halt. Without going long on the search, the Express has found three examples.
On the Friedrichstrasse, at the intersection of Light Street / road corridors and at the intersection of Bender Road / On the road every night Hardt, without need to be thwarted. " A permanent nuisance! Way: An increase in accidents was not detected in Duisburg.