Friday, February 5, 2010

Traditional cycling race in the greatest crisis

Cologne - The Tour de France - one of the biggest sporting events in the world. 3559 kilometers through France over the high mountains of the Pyrenees and the Alps. The tour provides for over 100 years of heroes who suffer, cheer heroes, and heroes to overthrow.
But before the start on Saturday in Brest, it is in the greatest crisis in its history. For it is hardly talked about the sport - but again only on doping.
In Germany, the interest in the numerous scandals of recent years is simply not there anymore, although 16 German cyclists are four teams at the start. Tour de Trance! Only sadness. Went to Jan Ullrich's weddings or with up to 120 journalists writing from Germany, it will be this year, less than 20
Gerolsteiner team boss Hans-Michael Holczer: "In Germany, the fans are offended that they were deceived for years. Now is cycling in a corner from which he comes out so fast anymore. "
Holczer gets the currently most apparent, for in the search for a new sponsor (Gerolsteiner rises out of the season), he will not be easy looking for. While Holczer has negotiated with several interested parties, but by far not want seven to nine million euros a year to invest in a cycling team.
The prices are in the basement. It is very likely that shuts Holczer the shop after the season. After the T-Mobile's withdrawal would be the second German team flat - the German cycling disappears from the scene. And our top drivers have to orient themselves to foreign countries.
There, the anti-doping fight is in contrast to Germany, where the doping hunters act rightly very meticulous, just annoying byproducts. While the cyclists are controlled since 2008 as well as any other athlete, but serious gaps still exist.
The World Federation UCI points to a new blood passport, which every driver has. But in order to explore possible manipulations may have to be at least 25 blood tests a year are performed. For Italians or Spaniards, there are just six.
Who wants to ride for overall victory may further manipulated. And among the top favorites for the Tour victory of 2008 old acquaintances: the Spaniard Alejandro Valverde include (Caisse d'Epargne) was with Jan Ullrich and Ivan Basso on the doping list by Dr. Eufemiano Fuentes, but may continue cheerfully. And Cadel Evans is in accordance with the previous doping from his racing stables Telekom and Mapei now at Silence Lotto gas.
No wonder that the fans goes the joke, because after the finish in Paris is just waiting for when the winner of doping is transferred. And now the tour has once again a hero. A crashed that one wants to see any more.