Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bavaria, Koelsch and delicious ne Podolski

Cologne - Finally widder Hus zo! Clock at 20.45, it's Friday night so far. Lukas Podolski runs after 1168 days later in a game for the 1st FC Cologne in RheinEnergieStadion book.
Against his former club Bayern Munich, the large increases Poldi party. On 13 Podolski was in May 2006 against Arminia Bielefeld (4-2) for the last time for the FC at the Stadium in Müngersdorf on the pitch.
He then returned as a Bayern player, even forgone a goal celebrations when he arrived in Cologne's goal. But today he finally takes back the "right" shirt.
"My biggest wish for the evening that all fans of FC-Hymn sing," he said on Thursday the EXPRESS. It will be a night full of emotions, full of feeling, and perhaps full of tears.
The FC fans have their favorite again. This promises to be an atmospheric evening. The Poldi-party with live music, football and a few drinks may increase. For Bavaria, Koelsch and delicious ne Poldi - dat ene break Cologne, sin öm jlöcklich zo.
The new coach of FC Zvonimir Soldo against the new Bavaria from Louis van Gaal. But the focus is only one Prince Poldi. For three years he kicked for the Bavarians to or pressed the bench.
Friday he again wears the jersey with the goat on the chest and 10 on the back. "This is the Pops," said Podolski, who keeps for days by SMS contact with his ex-colleagues.
"Poldi is very pleased at the game and giving us all meet again," reveals his Bavaria-Specific Bastian Schweinsteiger. "The game is something special for Luke. All eyes are on him in Cologne, now we'll get out there. Nevertheless, we will not do him any favors. "
But the Bavarians are well aware that they are only guests of honor Friday at Poldis party.
Also of interest
Thus, the Poldi-party run

Monday, April 19, 2010

FC boss Overath, sets the bar higher now

Cologne - The big final of the prestigious Kamehameha Sause Lounge - on the evening of the season, let it end the FC again really slow either.
But after the season before the season. So boss Wolfgang Overath presented in his speech had the same time paving the way for the new season.
Motto: "There's something worth a little bit more ..." reached number two in the promotion season to the Cologne-makers are very proud. "A special thanks to all who have contributed to it. We have never been on the relegation zone. For all the work is easier if the professional teams are playing well. And she has done, "said the world champion of 1974.
But for Overath & Co. that can only be a first step. The obligation of Lukas Podolski is a tour de force. A tour de force that will pay off. "We have spent the Basingstoke Town as a destination. To this end, we are, but obviously internally we discuss something else. There may also like a little bit more, "said Overath to the applause of players, staff and sponsors.
During the week, the leaders have staked the future of Summit fundamentals. The scouting department at Paul Steiner had worked for a list of reinforcements. "We are moving in a narrow framework. We know this, but we have worked out solutions. Now Michael Meier is on the train. And so has his good hands during transfers often demonstrated, "says Daum's friend, who in 1990 FIFA World Cup-standing job.
After Podolski and the Karlsruhe Sebastian Freis, the focus is mainly on reinforcements for the full back - and a playmaker to her. In an interview next to Munich's Jose Ernesto Sosa is the Brazilian Ibson from Flamengo Rio de Janeiro. An important criterion: The newcomers will have Gardemaß to resolve the chronic standard weakness.
In order to succeed in the attack on the upper half of the table. Overath: "No club triggers those feelings among the followers as the FC. This is unique in Germany. We want to make it, that this great club again dahinkommt where he belongs. "

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Bad talk" - as he stabbed 39 times at

Mönchengladbach - unimaginable brutality: An illegal immigrant has inMönchengladbach stabbed his wife with two butcher knives.
DieErmittler discovered her body at 39 stab and incised wounds, including several fatal injuries. The man was amvergangenen appeared Friday in a police station and had been dasVerbrechen (EXPRESS.DE reported>). The motive, he stated that his wife had "talked him schlechtüber.
Likely to adopt against the immigrants coming from Iraq wurdeinzwischen arrest warrant on suspicion of manslaughter, the police do not know who he is. For his Personalpapiereseien wrong, had declared the suspect.
In March 2008 ernach Islamic law in Roermond in Holland wedding had gefeiert.Seither he had worked illegally in Moenchengladbach as an assistant in derLandwirtschaft.
The police are now seeking witnesses who know the denvermutlich 37 years old man. He himself was already in prison for drug smuggling inGriechenland-entrenched keeping closed.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Zach leaves the Sharks romp

Cologne - Mirko Ludemann pulls a long face. Dave McLlwain spits furious his rage on the ice. Andreas Renz thunders his racket to the ties that flying shrapnel. Yes, the Cologne Sharks can even react.
If you have not seen for the past eight victories in a long series. But yesterday it is ready: Ironically Hans Zach ended with his victory, the Hannover Scorpions series of sharks. It is a bad 2:5-swatter. The Sharks were just as beautiful on the record hunt. 13 wins in the series, it was in 2005 by Zach.
That his successor at the KEC, Doug Mason outflanked him, Zach was strictly avoided. Zach makes his guys (with the ex of Cologne Tino Boos, Niki Mondt and Andreas Morczinietz) very hot, still yells a bit louder than usual, the Alpine volcano in his element and the Cologne coach pissed. Mason: "A deserved victory for Hanover. We were not 40 minutes with his head in the game. We need more passion. "In the final minute when his boys Mason can break even the only chat - unusual.
Zach has a good laugh, however: "We were in the tackle and had the necessary luck at the gate." First, it looks good, but for Cologne: Stephane Julien brings the Sharks in front, but then the sharks are unusually passive. The result: Hanover takes the director, within a period of 25 minutes with a 4-1 lead, including two goals from outstanding national Sascha Goc. Julien can still shorter times, but it is not enough for the turn. Eric Nickulas true even in the empty Cologne gateway to 5:2 for the guests.
But for the Cologne fans, there is now an exclusive reparation: The KEC drive player on the 9th December back together with the fans in the away game in Ingold special train from the city. That has never happened before.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The miller gang

Cologne --
As sharks striker Marcel Muller (21) Grinning in the VIP room stalked, slapped him from many fans and friends.
With two goals and an assist, he was the hero in the victory against Eintracht Frankfurt in front of record crowd of almost 15,000 fans.
But Muller was only his most loyal fans, his entire family. Michael Papa, Mama Urte, brothers Leroy and sister Tanya had traveled over the holidays from Berlin. Tuesday is almost back together again in the capital.
Marcel plays Wednesday with the sharks at the league leaders, the Miiller-entourage will again cheer in the stands. Mama Urte: "We are so proud of our Marcel." The little brother always wears, even the great jersey from Marcel.
"He himself plays F.A.S.S. Berlin ice hockey. At his age I was not so good. He has talent. And I'm hopefully a model for him, "said Marcel, who was born in Berlin, and between 2005 and 2007 played for the polar bear.
But now he is full of sharks: "Berlin is a club like any other for me, because I do not hang off as much as in the sharks. Here I have one more year contract and then there is perhaps something in North America. But I can also imagine, still playing for a long time in Cologne. Let's see what is better for my career. "
In the last five games he has six goals. Coach Stewart writes of him: "He played very strong, has self-confidence." However, with its 21 years, he has to learn too much. Outside the ice rinks, though he had long lived alone. Marcel laughs: "I'm very independent, most of the friends I have, also, who live all alone. I do not find that I am at 21 am already far ahead of all others. "
Now when he travels to Berlin, swings with a little sadness: "This is finally my home, but I live in Cologne also very happy. That is why I absolutely want to bring three points. We have a course that can brush Berlin, as I'm sure. "