Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Bad talk" - as he stabbed 39 times at

Mönchengladbach - unimaginable brutality: An illegal immigrant has inMönchengladbach stabbed his wife with two butcher knives.
DieErmittler discovered her body at 39 stab and incised wounds, including several fatal injuries. The man was amvergangenen appeared Friday in a police station and had been dasVerbrechen (EXPRESS.DE reported>). The motive, he stated that his wife had "talked him schlechtüber.
Likely to adopt against the immigrants coming from Iraq wurdeinzwischen arrest warrant on suspicion of manslaughter, the police do not know who he is. For his Personalpapiereseien wrong, had declared the suspect.
In March 2008 ernach Islamic law in Roermond in Holland wedding had gefeiert.Seither he had worked illegally in Moenchengladbach as an assistant in derLandwirtschaft.
The police are now seeking witnesses who know the denvermutlich 37 years old man. He himself was already in prison for drug smuggling inGriechenland-entrenched keeping closed.