Monday, April 19, 2010

FC boss Overath, sets the bar higher now

Cologne - The big final of the prestigious Kamehameha Sause Lounge - on the evening of the season, let it end the FC again really slow either.
But after the season before the season. So boss Wolfgang Overath presented in his speech had the same time paving the way for the new season.
Motto: "There's something worth a little bit more ..." reached number two in the promotion season to the Cologne-makers are very proud. "A special thanks to all who have contributed to it. We have never been on the relegation zone. For all the work is easier if the professional teams are playing well. And she has done, "said the world champion of 1974.
But for Overath & Co. that can only be a first step. The obligation of Lukas Podolski is a tour de force. A tour de force that will pay off. "We have spent the Basingstoke Town as a destination. To this end, we are, but obviously internally we discuss something else. There may also like a little bit more, "said Overath to the applause of players, staff and sponsors.
During the week, the leaders have staked the future of Summit fundamentals. The scouting department at Paul Steiner had worked for a list of reinforcements. "We are moving in a narrow framework. We know this, but we have worked out solutions. Now Michael Meier is on the train. And so has his good hands during transfers often demonstrated, "says Daum's friend, who in 1990 FIFA World Cup-standing job.
After Podolski and the Karlsruhe Sebastian Freis, the focus is mainly on reinforcements for the full back - and a playmaker to her. In an interview next to Munich's Jose Ernesto Sosa is the Brazilian Ibson from Flamengo Rio de Janeiro. An important criterion: The newcomers will have Gardemaß to resolve the chronic standard weakness.
In order to succeed in the attack on the upper half of the table. Overath: "No club triggers those feelings among the followers as the FC. This is unique in Germany. We want to make it, that this great club again dahinkommt where he belongs. "